Lesson 14 – Wrap up

Hi everyone.
We cannot believe it is the last day of our program: The Picky Toddler Solution!
Make sure to ask all your burning questions and leave all your last minute comments till the end of today, when Adina and I will be answering them in real time.
Last housekeeping notes:
The classroom will be open till Tuesday November 18.

In the Resources section of the class we have posted a list of resources, websites and books that will help you learn more about the feeding strategies we teach and also get new recipe ideas.

We will be sending you a survey in a couple of days. Please take a couple of minutes to fill it out and get a chance to win a copy of “Fearless Feeding” – a modern encyclopedia on feeding kids – it covers children of all ages from high chair to high school. The winner will be selected next week.

We shared a lot of information on the “how” and “what” to feed your little ones. We hope that what you have learned is not a set of rigid rules but rather a selection of doable strategies that can be adapted to your unique situation and lifestyle. We are confident that what you have learned will bring structure and common sense into feeding and make mealtimes much more pleasant.

Thank you again for being with us these four weeks. We loved sharing the information, answering your questions and reading about your experiences.

We hope you will stay in touch and email us at feedingbytes@gmail.com any follow up comments and questions.

Have a wonderful day and enjoy feeding your toddler with confidence!